Lebanon People Politics Videos

Blind Flight – Trailer

Blind Fight is a movie about the lives of two hostages, Irishman Brian Keenan and Englishman John McCarthy, that were captured by the Islamic Jihad Organization (A.K.A Hezbollah) for 5 years. The movie was released in 2003 but I am not sure if it was shown in Lebanese cinemas so I am going to try and get it on DVD to watch it.

Lebanon Politics Videos

What did they learn?

Check out this video from the INA websites about Christians killing each others! How can people still follow these two after all what they did to us!!

Here’s the original description of this video in French flowed by my English translation:

Les combats opposent l’armée du général Aoun et les forces libanaises de Samir Geagea dans le quartier chrétien de Beyrouth-Est. Reportage tourné par une équipe de Médecins du Monde montrant comment la population civile survit au milieu des terribles combats.

Fights opose the army of General Aoun and the Lebanese Forces of Samir Geagea in the east part of Beirut. The video was filmed by a team of “Médecins du Monde” showing how the civilians are surviving in the middle of the horrible fights.

The last sentence of the video is very true! “La solution, Le jugement de Salomon, que celui des deux qui aime le plus son pays l’abandone a l’autre pour qu’au moins dechirer extenuer le Liban survive.” (In English: The solution: Salomon’s Judgement. The one who loves more his country should leave it for the other side, that way Lebanon will survive even if it is ripped apart and destroyed) This sentence also applies for the current “crisis” we are living.


Shaker El Abssi is officially NOT dead

The LBCI reporter in Nahr L Bared just read a statement by the prosecutor general affirming that the body of the terrorist in the Tripoli morgue is not that of Shaker El Abssi!

His wife, one of his kids and the “Oulama” of Palestine had previously confirmed that it was his body so I think all of them should now be in prison for lying to the army and helping a terrorist escape!

Politics World

Bin Laden, Before/After

Bin Laden appeared in a new video with a new look! His beard is now black and shorter! He also want Americans to convert to Islam so he can make peace with them!

Here’s a Before/After shot of him taken from the Times Online.

Bin Laden 2004 2007 comparison

Politics World

Israel Bombed Syria

Last night Israel bombed Syria!! The Syrian fired at the planes but as usual they did not hit anything, I wonder were are the Migs hiding? The weird thing is that Syria just made the news public and an Israeli did not comment! The Syrians also made a threat to Israel: “if they repeat this something bad will happen”.

I thinks that’s a message from Israel to Syria gently explaining to them that they are still stronger and that they can attack them any time they want no matter what kind of weapons they buy from Russia.

PS: I just hope the Syrian reply doesn’t come through Hezbollah!

Syria vs Israel

Lebanon Politics

Sanioura’s Priorities

Sanioura just gave his “victory speech”, those are the priorities in his speech:

  1. Message to the Palestinians (They will rebuild the homes)
  2. Message to the Lebanese politicians (Stop fighting)
  3. Message to the Families of the Martyrs (RIP Martyrs)
  4. Message to the Lebanese Army comanders (Good job)
  5. Message to the Lebanese (We won, please don’t shot in the air)

I don’t know about you but I think that points 3, 4 and 5 are most important than point 1 and 2!

Lebanon Politics Television

Is the Battle of Nahr El Bared over?

Lebanese Army APCToday while checking the AFP news on my cell after waking up I was surprised by news that the army killed 20 terrorists while they were trying to flee the camp and captured 7 but apparently 5 including Chaker L Absi (The leader of the group) managed to flee so the army was searching Nahr L Bared and the surrounding areas. I went to the living room to watch TV and see what happening and only Al Jazeera was reporting live from the camp! The Lebanese TV channels were just showing the normal morning shows!!!

The Lebanese TV channels were not properly covering the Battle from Day one (Hariri or Aoun or any politician repeating the same thing he has been saying for a year is more important than Lebanese Soldiers dying for Lebanon according to those Channels!) but this might be the last day of battle and the least they could do is show us what is happening! “Jarass” a Lebanese Music Television was broadcasting Army songs but Lebanese News Television were doing nothing!!!

I just checked Google news, what’s happening in Lebanon is on the front page same for BBC news! So when will the Lebanese TVs respect the army as much as foreign news sources are?

UPDATE: I just turned on the TV in my room, LBCI is now reporting from Nahr L Bared! 10 apparently escaped and 2 were killed in villages surrounding the camp.

Games Lebanon Politics

The anti 14 March Game (Kill Sanioura and the government!)

Today Naharnet is reporting that the police launched an investigation about a game in which the player is supposed to storm the Serail and kill Sanioura and all his ministers. I googled a little for the game but found nothing, I remembered seeing a game about the battle of Nahr L Bared on an anti 14 March blog so I guessed he could have also made the other game and tried to find the blog but it was unavailable! I first thought I reached the wrong page so I reggogled and this time I used >anti 14 march blogspot< as search words. I was right the first time,the blog was correct and it is now closed but Google has a nice feature called “Google Cache” so I checked the site using it and found the original page.

Anti 14 march blog and game

The guy that made this game is really weird! People are allowed to have different political opinions! but wanting the opponent dead is just crazy!!

Lebanon People Politics

Schools closed next year?

I’ve been hearing a lot of talk lately about schools not opening next year in Lebanon! apparently this might happen because of the presidential elections and the problems that might come with it!

If this happens I want to congratulate the politicians for ruining the lives of every generation of Lebanese! Maybe people will now be required to send kids to schools outside Lebanon instead of waiting for them to finish their studies and then send them!

A School Bus

Lebanon Politics

Evacuating Fath El Islam wounded!

I’ve been hearing on the news lately that after evacuating the Fath El Islam families they now want to evacuate the wounded! That’s stupid!!!! So they get to shoot at the army kill Lebanese soldiers and we have to hospitalize them if they get wounded doing it! They should only give all of them a chance to surrender not take the wounded and leave those who are able to kill more people!