Internet Lebanon People

Lebanon’s Facebook Statistics

A Blogger collected the facebook gender stats of the top countries using facebook and published them on his blog. Since Facebook is the most visited website in Lebanon (Alexa stats) I was sure we were going to be on the list so I checked it out and it turns out we are the 21st country in facebook usage. Here are the stats:

  • 169,300 members in Lebanon
  • 58,600 Males (34.61%)
  • 48,380 Females (28.58%)
  • 62,320 Unspecified (36.81%)

Here is the graph from the original Blog with Lebanon Highlighted in red, Click on the picture to view it in full size.

Facebook stats Lebanon mini

2 replies on “Lebanon’s Facebook Statistics”

hey eliedh,

can you forward me where the stats on facebook usage originated from?

that would be very helpful


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