Today Microsoft introduced the new Zunes MP3 Players, The new series includes Flash Based ones and HDD based one having 4, 8 and 80GB of storage.
What’s great about the new ones is the features Microsoft introduced that are apparently appreciated by everyone! Microsoft Fans got the offensive back on Digg, Endgadget and other sites, and are now “attacking” Apple Fans for the lack of features in the devices Apple offers! The fact that Microsoft is giving all the owners of old Zunes the chance to upgrade to the latest software and have old ones running the same software as the new ones also gave Microsoft a great boost!
More info about the latest Zunes Here.
2 replies on “Microsoft’s new Zunes”
Microsoft will try and try.. but there is no way it can compete with Apple.
Jester, Microsoft might never be able to sell as much mp3 players as apple, but you can’t deny it did a good job in the first year.