Funny Lebanon

Lebanon in Uncyclopedia and Désencyclopédie

Uncyclopedia and Desencyclopedie (French) are two funny encyclopedias on the net that work much like wikipedia so anyone can edit them to make them funnier and push the definition away from the truth.

Lebanon has an article in both of them. The one in Uncyclopedia is more developed with pictures and more details, the one on Desencyclopedie is smaller but quickly gets to the point. Here are some extract from both of them:


It was is known for general civil unrest. Despite a few dozen wars over the past two decades, Lebanon has a famous reputation of being a very peaceful country which attracts millions of tourists every year for Israelians bomb target practice.

Motto: “Hi, Kifak ca va?”

Religion: Politics

Prominent Lebanese citizens include: Casey Kasem, Alex Rayes, Philippe Bigass, Thierry ‘immature’ Yazbeck, Abu Riad el 3azizeh, Klinger from M.A.S.H. and The Guy who did the voices on Scooby Doo

The issue of Lebanese demographics is very complex and is in fact listed as one of the Hilbert problems (which, incidentally, no one can solve). Lebanesians are Arabs who believe they’re French, which is the reason why they try to speak French.

Half of Lebanons population resides in Broadmeadows, a place in Australia

When you check the original article don’t forget to look at the stuff in the table on the right.


After the little under construction Gif that we used to see in all the website in the 90s with “Pays en reconstruction” next to it, the definition is:

Le Liban un des pays phares de la mondialisation. Tout comme les usines de chaussures ont été délocalisées en Chine et les centres d’appels en Inde, nombre de guerres d’autres pays ont été transportées dans ce petit pays, dont les oliviers, l’Arak, les pistaches et le taboulé en font le cachet et l’originalite que seuls les Libanais sont capable d’exploiter en mettant en oeuvre leur ingéniosité millénaire. Bien dommage quand ils ne le font pas!

The funny thing is that at some points when reading those articles you feel they get closer to the truth more then the articles of Wikipedia.


Turkey and… Lebanon

MPs in Turkey are due to debate a motion authorising cross-border military operations into northern Iraq to target Kurdish rebel bases there.

So in other countries MPs are allowed to give an opinion before cross-border military operations?

Cars Games

BMW M3 Challenge

BMW M3 Challenge

BMW M3 Challenge takes the thrill of driving to new heights. BMW M3 Challenge, which is the official game to BMW´s all-new M3 Coupé, features the original high detailed BMW M3 in all its available exterior colours and the original Nurburgring GP-track in a hyper realistic racing world. BMW M3 Challenge will allow you to experience the new BMW M3 Coupé right there where it was born and developed – on the race track.


  • Stunning simulation of the all new BMW M3 Coupé
    • Choose from 4 different driving perspectives: Cockpit, Bonnet, Bumper and Chase-Cam
  • Configure your own M3 Coupé by selecting the colour and the rims.
  • 4 game modes, including:
    • Test Drive
    • Time Trial including ghost car
    • Race Weekend with up to 15 AI-drivers and three difficulty levels
    • Multiplayer Race with up to 15 human opponents via internet and LAN
  • Original Nurburgring Grand-Prix track and “Sprint” short-bound.
  • Replay-function

BMW is offering this game to promote the new M3 model, the game looks nice and it’s available for free so I am currently downloading it. I don’t have any course tomorrow so I’ll test it and let you know if it’s good!

Link: BMW M3 Challenge

Computers Operating System

Cedar Linux, a Lebanese Linux Distro

Cedar Linux

A group of developers started working on a Lebanese Linux distribution, the Distro is not available yet but work is in progress so you can help in many ways, you can donate money, write help files, design graphics or of course do some programing.

We have a lot of good developers in Lebanon so the first Lebanese OS should be great. The list of build in applications is impressive and includes everything you currently use in your windows or mac. They are even going to include wine so you can run most of the windows applications on Linux.

Check the project website for more info.

Lebanon People

Free Hugs Campaign in Lebanon

The Free Hugs Campaign is an Internet-spread phenomenon that appears to have begun in June, 2004, and was widely publicized in 2006 by a music video on YouTube. The phenomenon involves individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public settings. The campaign is an example of a random act of kindness, a selfless act performed by a person for the sole reason of making others feel better. The original organizer has stated in interviews that the purpose is not to get names, phone numbers, or dates.

This campaign reached Lebanon and the organizers published a video of the campaign on YouTube, it’s great to see that people can still spread love in the middle of the hatred spread everyday by politicians.

Funny Videos

Babies Dancing the Dabkeh

Lebanon Nature

Bird Hunting in Lebanon

A lot of people in Lebanon have a hobby, they like to kill birds. That’s not very weird, a lot of people around the world like to go hunting. The only problem in Lebanon is that Lebanese don’t have a limit. Normal people feel something is weird when they go to picnic in the mountains and sit on a carpet of multicolored empty rifle rounds but in Lebanon people finish eating, take the rifle out of the car and start hunting! When they return home in the evening they complain that they weren’t able to catch a lot of birds this time and that no single bird passed over their heads. I wonder why!

People hunt birds in every country in the world, the only difference is that in normal countries the hunting is controlled, people are only allowed to kill a certain amount of birds from X specie and if they are caught with more birds they face heavy fines and prison.

In Lebanon we have laws but we have no one to apply them, the police never stops anyone, and even if they do they just take the bird and the riffle and set him free. The ministers that are supposed to apply the law can sometime be hunters (Sleiman Frangieh was minister of interior) and the minister of environments are usually given to people for political reasons (That’s were Wi2am Wahab started his bright political career!).

Birds migrate so when we kill birds we are not just killing Lebanese ones we are affecting the earth, something must be done about this! I am not asking them to stop hunting, all what they should do is educate hunters and control them like any normal country in the world does!


Still life with hunting equipment and dead birds
Still life with hunting equipment and dead birds
1668 Oil on canvas, 68 cm x 54 cm
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe


Lebanon Weird

Only In Lebanon

In Normal countries safety film protects you from the neighbor’s baseball or someone trying to brake in to your house but in Lebanon …

Safety Film


13th of October 1990

I hope the martyrs that fell 15 years ago on this day RIP. I also hope that the prisoners still in Syrian jails return home soon.

Lebanese Martyr

Syrian soldiers attacking Lebanon

Syrian soldiers attacking Lebanon

Syrian soldiers attacking Lebanon

Syrian soldiers attacking Lebanon


Beer Pong = Beirut!?

beer pong beirut

I was checking Digg when I found this article about a Beer Pong table, I know what beer pong is since I played a mini match once with an American friend visiting Lebanon but what was weird in all this is that the guy who submited the article wrote “Or are they beirut tables? Either way, these kick ass. Only $125” as the article description.

I searched a little to find out how the hell did a game played by drunk American college students who don’t even know the location of Lebanon on the map has “Beirut” as its name and it turns out there are two explanations for this.

The first one involves Hezbollah! Remember how they bombed a Marine barrack in Lebanon, well those drunk Americans wanted the US army to bomb Hezbollah like they bomb the beers with the ping pong balls so they called the game Beirut. The other version of the story is that they used the name of our city for the Beer Pong game because The game “Libya,” named after Reagan’s 1986 air attacks on Quaddaffi’s Libya, didn’t quite roll off the tongue, so following a terrorist truck-bomb attack on a Marine barracks in Lebanon’s capital in 1986, “Libya” became “Beirut.”!

Note that apparently Beer Pong and “Beirut” have slightly different rules.