Lebanon People

Light a Candle for Charles Chikhani

Tonight on Kalem L Neiss Marcel Ghanem read a Fax sent from the Chikhani Family inviting people to gather on Wednesday, the 3rd of october at 8 PM in front of Biel, to march with candles to the “Place de L’Etoile” in memory of Charles Chikhani. I’ll try to go and invite everyone to join the family of Charles on that day.

Before starting the show they showed a report about the victims of the explosion, during the report Charle’s Brother spoke about Lebanon, the Lebanese and the politicians, and I have to say I completely agree with him!

Charles Chikhni


Added by Lea Chikhani:

La marche de Charles Chikhani

C’est l’appel d’un peuple blessé
Refusant l’absence du fils
Refusant la souffrance de la mère
S’exprimant en silence
Tous de blanc vêtus
Une bougie à la main
Le mercredi 3 octobre a 20h
Du BIEL à la Place de l’Etoile
Participez à la Marche de Charles Chikhani
Ou éclairez vos fenêtres d’une bougie

The rally of Charles Chikhani

Is a wounded people’s call
Crying out in silence
Refusing the loss of a son
Refusing the suffering of a mother
Inviting us to light a candle
All dressed in white
On Wednesday October 3rd at 8 p.m.
From BIEL to Parliament Square
Come and join the walk of Charles Chikhani
Or light a candle at your window

مسيرة شارل شيخاني


مسيرة شعب مجروح
قرر يعبّر بصمت
يرفض غياب الإبن
يرفض عذاب الام
مشّي نضوّي شمعة بالقميص البيضا
يوم الاربعاء ٣ تشرين الأول الساعة الثامنة مسا
إلى ساحة النجمة BIEL من ال
شارك معنا بمسيرة شارل شيخاني
أو ضوّي شمعة عالشباك

2 replies on “Light a Candle for Charles Chikhani”

La marche de Charles Chikhani

C’est l’appel d’un peuple blessé
Refusant l’absence du fils
Refusant la souffrance de la mère
S’exprimant en silence
Tous de blanc vêtus
Une bougie à la main
Le mercredi 3 octobre a 20h
Du BIEL à la Place de l’Etoile
Participez à la Marche de Charles Chikhani
Ou éclairez vos fenêtres d’une bougie

The rally of Charles Chikhani

Is a wounded people’s call
Crying out in silence
Refusing the loss of a son
Refusing the suffering of a mother
Inviting us to light a candle
All dressed in white
On Wednesday October 3rd at 8 p.m.
From BIEL to Parliament Square
Come and join the walk of Charles Chikhani
Or light a candle at your window

مسيرة شارل شيخاني

مسيرة شعب مجروح
قرر يعبّر بصمت
يرفض غياب الإبن
يرفض عذاب الام
مشّي نضوّي شمعة بالقميص البيضا
يوم الاربعاء ٣ تشرين الأول الساعة الثامنة مسا
إلى ساحة النجمة BIEL من ال
شارك معنا بمسيرة شارل شيخاني
أو ضوّي شمعة عالشباك

For believing too much in a one more chance this coutry ought to have, he paid the price for it…
This country will find its path eventually as long as young minds like Charles
are determined to come back for it.
So to all the young people out there, don’t dream it, be it.
By being it, you will make Charles’ dream come true.

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