Before buying a new PC with Vista I used Free Download Manager to manage my downloads, it’s easy to use, has many great features, including one that lets you specify a download speed for a file so you can surf on the remaining bandwidth, when I got vista I went to FDM forums and found out that the stable versions is working with Vista on some system and isn’t on others, so I decided to test for myself.
FDM works with Vista, it does what it is supposed to do, but it has some problems, the first one is that when you start it, it shows an error that says: “Error in download groups”, this error is annoying when you set FDM to start with windows and you start to receive errors on your brand new system!
The other error is an “application” to the previous one, that’s where you see the error in the download groups, so when you want to add a download and choose a group for it you get 2 weird characters at the end of the group’s folder, for example if the default group folder is: C:\Downloads, you’ll get C:\Downloads\Ẳ-, so you’d have to correct the folder every time you want to add a download and that’s a little annoying, so currently I am waiting for the release of FDM 2.3, hopping these bugs will be fixed in it, meanwhile, I still use FDM for my downloads but now I just start it when I want to download something and not when Windows starts.