People World

HIV victims buried alive in PNG!

I just read this shocking BBC article! How can people do that?!

“I saw three people with my own eyes. When they got very sick and people could not look after them, they buried them,” she told reporters.

She described how one person called out “mama, mama” as the soil was being shovelled over their head.

Villagers told her that such action was common, she said.

Lebanon Politics

Evacuating Fath El Islam wounded!

I’ve been hearing on the news lately that after evacuating the Fath El Islam families they now want to evacuate the wounded! That’s stupid!!!! So they get to shoot at the army kill Lebanese soldiers and we have to hospitalize them if they get wounded doing it! They should only give all of them a chance to surrender not take the wounded and leave those who are able to kill more people!

Operating System Personal

My copy of Ubuntu

I recently ordered a free copy of Ubuntu and received it, it comes in paper envelope with some Ubuntu stickers.

I installed it on a virtual PC and I work on it sometimes. I also got myself a copy of Mac OS 10.4, it can be installed on a virtual PC (and on a PC) but it takes some time to tweak some stuff and I keep postponing it.

Ubuntu Package

Ubuntu Free CD

Lebanon Politics

Hawker Hunters, Again!

I already reported that the Hawker Hunters might fly next week, and today on LBCI news they showed General Michel Sleiman (Head of the army) visiting a Lebanese Air Force Base, he checked the Helicopters (That didn’t participate in the battle today) and a plane! so this plane might be a Hawker Hunter being prepared for flight.

Software Technology

Year 2038 problem

I just found this Wikipedia article describing a problem that will happen in 31 years to the dates in most of the 32-bits computer systems around the world, what will happen is that on the 19th of January 2038 the dates will “wrap around” and the date will become Friday, December 13, 1901.

Here’s a more technical explanation from Wikipedia:

The year 2038 problem may cause some computer software to fail before or in the year 2038. The problem affects programs that use the POSIX time representation, which represents system time as the number of seconds (ignoring leap seconds) since January 1, 1970. This representation is standard in Unix-like operating systems and also affects software written for most other operating systems because of the broad deployment of C. On most 32-bit systems, the time_t data type used to store this second count is a signed 32-bit integer. The latest time that can be represented in this format, following the POSIX standard, is 03:14:07 UTC on Tuesday, January 19, 2038. Times beyond this moment will “wrap around” and be represented internally as a negative number, and cause programs to fail, since they will see these times not as being in 2038 but rather in 1901. Erroneous calculations and decisions may therefore result.

Alarm Clock

Personal University

University is back!

Tomorrow I restart university! I have some English courses I have to take and they are making us take them now, so starting tomorrow I will have to wake up at 7am to go to university from 8am till 1pm every day (excluding Sundays) for 3 weeks!! I will finish on the 14 September and I’ll resume normal university on the 17.

Animals Personal

I agree with Aoun

Cicadas (Jar Flies or Zyez in Arabic) are annoying!!! Aoun used to complain about them last year and now it’s my turn!!! I hate them! they don’t stop making that horrible sound! and to make things worst they come and sit on my windows and start making it!


I sometimes wake up at night and they would be “singing” they only stop at 5 in the morning, the birds sing for a while and then around 6 am one of the cicadas restarts and they all follow it!! How the hell do you turn those things off!

Food Lebanon Weird

One Milk Carton, Two expiry dates!

Yesterday morning I wanted to eat a cup of Corn Flakes with milk, I checked the fridge to see if we have milk and found a “Taanayel Les Fermes” milk carton, during the summer we don’t drink a lot of milk here so I checked the expiry date and well I couldn’t tell if it was expired or not! If I read the English part, well the milk expired 5 days ago but the Arabic part gives the milk 4 more days!

Taanayel Les fermes Milk Carton

Taanayel Les fermes Milk CartonI ended up drinking the milk since it’s a UHT sterilized milk so a couple of days added to the 6 months if the English date is true is not a big problem but I threw the rest of the carton since it is expired anyways and we won’t be drinking from it soon.

Lebanon People

Atheism in Lebanon

I found an article on Digg about the least religious nations so I checked it and found it’s source. I used the source to check the percentage of atheists in Lebanon. As I expected it’s not a big number. Two statistics have some numbers related to Lebanon, the first one is from BBC saying less then 3% of people do not believe in god, the other is from Moaddel and Azadarmaki showing that less then 2% of Lebanese do not believe in god.

Lebanon Politics

“Civilians” left Nahr L Bared

Today the wifes and children of the Fath L Islam terrorists left the Nahr L Bared camp and are under the Lebanese Army’s custody, I don’t know if this should have been accepted by the Lebanese Army, housing and helping terrorists makes you a terrorist. I am afraid Fath L Islam only did this to have more food for the remaining days, and that this will enable them to last longer.

Lebanese Army Tank