Lebanon People

The Lebanese Red Cross

Two days ago we had to take my Grand Mother to hospital due to complications from an infection she has. We called the red cross and an Ambulance arrived to my Grandma’s house in 4 minutes. So I just want to thank them for getting there so quickly! My Grand Mother could have waited a little more and wasn’t in a dangerous condition but it’s good to know that you can get help quickly when you need it :) so a special thanks to the Lebanese Red Cross for always helping people in peace and in war!

Funny Lebanon Politics

Lebanese Presidency, for sale on eBay!

Have You ever Wanted to become President?

Do you ever have an urge to be Powerfull?

Are you a Lebanese Maronite, over 24….and want to be called “Fakhamit el Ra2is” ?

7a2i2 7elmak halla2….!!!



Funny Lebanon

Santa For President!

The Christmas decoration of the “Play’n Party” toy store in Achrafieh.

Santa for President, Lebanon

Lebanon Politics

Christians in March 8 and March 14

The Lebanese people in general are currently tired of their politicians, and since we have no president, the Christians in particular are feeling that the other communities are eating away their rights.

aoun and geageaThe Christians are divided in 2 camps, the first group is in March 8 and the second one in March 14. Both groups want to represent the Christians. They also want to prove to them that they are leaders in their respective camps, that they just don’t take orders from Hariri and Nassrallah. Currently one person is succeeding in that task and the others are failing.

Since the new chapter of the crisis started (No presidential elections) the Christians in March 14 never took a decision alone, we never saw any of them declare steps that will be taken by their camp, On the geagea gemayelcontrary the future movement declared that they will accept a constitutional amendment to elect Michel Sleiman and a lot of news report said that a lot of March 14 Christians didn’t like the fact that they were not informed about that! A lot of March 14 Christian supporters also did not like the fact that Sleiman was going to be our next president and you can clearly see this in many blogs and forums.

March 8 on the other hand gave Aoun the freedom to do whatever he wants even before Day 1 of the new chapter started! Aoun took the initiative and launched his “plan to save aounLebanon” before the day Lahoud was supposed to leave. He did “Christians” talks in Rabieh and published “10 Christians position” with a (Christian) fish as their logo. Hezbollah in the mean time didn’t take any strong position and allowed Aoun to have a lot of Media attention. This didn’t stop some Aounist from saying they will never feel represented without Aoun as president but it did make a lot of them feel happy about what’s happening unlike the March 14 supporters!

That’s not everything, even news reports changed, before the presidential vacuum March 8 was called the “Hezbollah led opposition” now it is called the “Aoun led opposition” so Aoun is now clearly better then Geagea and Gemayel in the eyes of their respective supporters (not the blind ones of course).

Gebran Tueni Lebanon Politics

Gebran Tueni’s 2005 Editorials

Gebran Tueni EditorialsI found on Naharnet via Google a page containing all of Gebran’s 2005 Editorials (translated to English) starting from the 5th of January to his last Editorial on Syrian Mass Graves from the 8th of December, some links lead to the editorials, others to an article about them, if you get an article scroll down to the end of the page were you will found a link to the complete editorial. Sadly Lebanon doesn’t change a lot so a lot of ideas and opinion written back then still apply today!

Lebanon Photography Politics

Michel Sleiman Picture

There is no good picture of our Army commander and ?future president? on the net so whenever someone wants to write about him, they attach an old picture of him available on the army’s website to the article. I don’t really like the fact that we’re gonna have him as our next president, but since everybody is writing about him here’s a recent High Definition picture of him you can attach to your articles or modify into a caricature.

Michel Sleiman small

Funny Lebanon Politics

Opposition camp, 1 year anniversary

Les tentes ont un an aujourd’hui. Elles sont là, vides et offrent un paysage honteux à ce centre-ville si beau et jadis si prospère, car le campement n’aura servi qu’à ruiner les citoyens et non point le Gouvernment. Alors un mot au début de ce mois des Fêtes : Messieurs, levez le camp. Mieux Foutez le camp…

Du Blog de Jean Claude Boulos

Lebanon Politics

Crazy Country!!

I stopped watching the news regularly since they started to fight over who was going to lead us to destruction. But for some reason today I decided to watch the evening news and we seriously live in one crazy country!!
Pierre Raffoul is now giving speeches to a crowd with SSNP in them, Caghlos Eddeh is attacking Bkerkeh and March 14, and is threatening that his party (all 50 members) will leave it if they change the constitution! And finally our Syrian ambassador is still showed on TV! Who the hell does Wi2am Wahab represent to oblige me to see his face on my TV whenever I turn it on!! Why did they give this clown any importance when he originally popped out!
Oh and btw I really like the source: “Masader rafi3at l Moustawa” or “Masader Moutali3a” in every statement that leaves politician’s offices!

Gebran Tueni Lebanon Politics Videos

Gebran Tueni Month

Two years ago on the 12 of this month a bunch of cowards assassinated the only free, independent and Lebanese politician in Lebanon. On the 12/12/05 they murdered Gebran Tueni! They tried to silence him by killing him but they did not succeed and they never will. Starting today I will publish a post about Gebran everyday until the 12 of December, those post will hopefully let each one of you remember Gebran’s words and let the killers remember that he will never die!

I’ll start by the most famous speech of Gebran, his speech on March 14 2005, the day we gave Syria the final kick out of Lebanon, the day we all pledged to remain united together protecting our Lebanon.

Funny Lebanon

Na7na Ktir Cool!!

General Michel Aoun ktir cool!! Check out his latest statement, he tells us he is cool at exactly 11:04. In case you don’t know “Na7na Ktir Cool” is a sentence used by Carlos and Pamela, two characters from the “La Youmal” TV show from Future TV. La Youmal has a sketch about Aoun and FPM in every episode so him saying this today makes the sentence even funnier now! You can check out the original “cool” pair in any of the La Youmal videos here.