Lebanon Politics

Sanioura’s Priorities

Sanioura just gave his “victory speech”, those are the priorities in his speech:

  1. Message to the Palestinians (They will rebuild the homes)
  2. Message to the Lebanese politicians (Stop fighting)
  3. Message to the Families of the Martyrs (RIP Martyrs)
  4. Message to the Lebanese Army comanders (Good job)
  5. Message to the Lebanese (We won, please don’t shot in the air)

I don’t know about you but I think that points 3, 4 and 5 are most important than point 1 and 2!

Lebanon Politics Television

Is the Battle of Nahr El Bared over?

Lebanese Army APCToday while checking the AFP news on my cell after waking up I was surprised by news that the army killed 20 terrorists while they were trying to flee the camp and captured 7 but apparently 5 including Chaker L Absi (The leader of the group) managed to flee so the army was searching Nahr L Bared and the surrounding areas. I went to the living room to watch TV and see what happening and only Al Jazeera was reporting live from the camp! The Lebanese TV channels were just showing the normal morning shows!!!

The Lebanese TV channels were not properly covering the Battle from Day one (Hariri or Aoun or any politician repeating the same thing he has been saying for a year is more important than Lebanese Soldiers dying for Lebanon according to those Channels!) but this might be the last day of battle and the least they could do is show us what is happening! “Jarass” a Lebanese Music Television was broadcasting Army songs but Lebanese News Television were doing nothing!!!

I just checked Google news, what’s happening in Lebanon is on the front page same for BBC news! So when will the Lebanese TVs respect the army as much as foreign news sources are?

UPDATE: I just turned on the TV in my room, LBCI is now reporting from Nahr L Bared! 10 apparently escaped and 2 were killed in villages surrounding the camp.

Lebanon Personal

The Electricity!

Today whoever is in charge of distributing the electricity is being very generous!! I got home at 1:30 PM, we had no electricity, at 2PM it was back but they didn’t give it for too much time at 3:15PM they stopped it, at 6PM they finally gave it back only to re-cut it 30 minutes later!!

When will they fix the electricity problem in this country!!

Note that usually it’s 6 or 4 hours on/6 or 4 hours off!

Light Bulb

Lebanon Music

Close the Bridge, Film a Video Clip!

Two days ago while returning from university my friends and I noticed a stage was being built on the “Nahr L Mot” new bridge! We tried to guess why would someone build a stage on a bridge but we didn’t really find any possible explanation.

A stage on a bridge

Today my friend told me that he passed there at night and saw that a singer was filming a video clip and that they had also erected a huge poster behind her. All the equipment was removed the next day and everything was back to normal. But what I don’t get is why would someone film a video clip on the bridge, there is no scene behind her since she erected here poster so why did she choose the bridge and not some flat ground!

Games Lebanon Politics

The anti 14 March Game (Kill Sanioura and the government!)

Today Naharnet is reporting that the police launched an investigation about a game in which the player is supposed to storm the Serail and kill Sanioura and all his ministers. I googled a little for the game but found nothing, I remembered seeing a game about the battle of Nahr L Bared on an anti 14 March blog so I guessed he could have also made the other game and tried to find the blog but it was unavailable! I first thought I reached the wrong page so I reggogled and this time I used >anti 14 march blogspot< as search words. I was right the first time,the blog was correct and it is now closed but Google has a nice feature called “Google Cache” so I checked the site using it and found the original page.

Anti 14 march blog and game

The guy that made this game is really weird! People are allowed to have different political opinions! but wanting the opponent dead is just crazy!!

Lebanon Television

MTV removed from An Nahar

Today MTV was removed from An Nahar Newspaper “today’s TV Programs” section.

An Nahar kept MTV with an empty list under it since the day it was closed down by the Syrian controlled government, MTV was supposed to re-open after the Syrian withdraw but didn’t, I was told that rotana has a contract with Gabriel L Mur and was using the MTV studios, so since Murr was already making money he didn’t want to re-open the station. And now that it got removed from An Nahar I think MTV is officialy not re-opening anymore!

Lebanon People Politics

Schools closed next year?

I’ve been hearing a lot of talk lately about schools not opening next year in Lebanon! apparently this might happen because of the presidential elections and the problems that might come with it!

If this happens I want to congratulate the politicians for ruining the lives of every generation of Lebanese! Maybe people will now be required to send kids to schools outside Lebanon instead of waiting for them to finish their studies and then send them!

A School Bus

Computers Internet Lebanon

Lebanse online computer stores

Here’s a list of Lebanese Online PC stores, I’ll review each one later this week

Microcity web
Pc And Parts

Lebanon Politics

Evacuating Fath El Islam wounded!

I’ve been hearing on the news lately that after evacuating the Fath El Islam families they now want to evacuate the wounded! That’s stupid!!!! So they get to shoot at the army kill Lebanese soldiers and we have to hospitalize them if they get wounded doing it! They should only give all of them a chance to surrender not take the wounded and leave those who are able to kill more people!

Lebanon Politics

Hawker Hunters, Again!

I already reported that the Hawker Hunters might fly next week, and today on LBCI news they showed General Michel Sleiman (Head of the army) visiting a Lebanese Air Force Base, he checked the Helicopters (That didn’t participate in the battle today) and a plane! so this plane might be a Hawker Hunter being prepared for flight.