Lebanon Politics

Hawker Hunters, Again!

I already reported that the Hawker Hunters might fly next week, and today on LBCI news they showed General Michel Sleiman (Head of the army) visiting a Lebanese Air Force Base, he checked the Helicopters (That didn’t participate in the battle today) and a plane! so this plane might be a Hawker Hunter being prepared for flight.

Lebanon Politics

“Civilians” left Nahr L Bared

Today the wifes and children of the Fath L Islam terrorists left the Nahr L Bared camp and are under the Lebanese Army’s custody, I don’t know if this should have been accepted by the Lebanese Army, housing and helping terrorists makes you a terrorist. I am afraid Fath L Islam only did this to have more food for the remaining days, and that this will enable them to last longer.

Lebanese Army Tank

Lebanon Politics

President Bachir Gemayel

President Cheikh Bachir Gemayel

25 years ago, on the 23rd of August 1982, the dream of many Lebanese started to come true, Bachir Gemayel was elected president of the Lebanese Republic, a new era had began.

This dream didn’t last long, 21 days later he was assassinated, since then the situation in Lebanon kept deteriorating, Christians destroyed each others, The country was occupied for many years and now the politicians Bachir used to fight are “leading” this country (or what’s left of it).

I never knew Bachir and many people my age didn’t, but just listening to his speeches makes you love him, he was Lebanese and had all the qualities of a leader, he could have saved Lebanon and that’s why they killed him.

Here’s a Video of the election day, the celebrations that followed and the foreign medias reporting the news.

Lebanon Politics

Lebanese Hawker Hunters flying next week?

The LBCI reporter said a few days ago that Hawker Hunters might help bombing Nahr L Bared, I wrote a post about that but nothing was confirmed yet.

Today I found this Aviation Forum, it contains a post confirming that the Hunters will fly again, here’s what a user said:

Was on the phone with a former retired Hunter pilot and he was a little doubtful but confirmed the news that they are getting ready to fly again. They already have contacted him in case they needed the help of more experienced people for the Hunters.
He said they will try to make the first flight this week. If the Hunters fly, it would be absolutely amazing for all the fans!

I hope they fly again and send those animals to hell!

A Lebanese Hawker Hunter

Lebanon Politics Programing

Vista Sidebar Gadget: Lahoud Term End

Vista Sidebar Gadget: Lahoud Term End PreviewThis is a Gadget showing a countdown of the remaining days of Lahoud as a president of Lebanon.
To use the gadget you must have Windows Vista, download the gadget and install it, if the image is broken on the borders after the install, close the gadget and re-start it.

Click here to Download the Gadget

If you want a gadget showing the duration of the opposition sit-in click here.

Lebanon Politics Programing

Vista Sidebar Gadget: Opposition Sit-in

Vista Sidebar Gadget: Opposition Sit-in PreviewThis is a sidebar Gadget counting the days the Lebanese opposition spent demanding the formation of a national unity government representing all the Lebanese.
To use the gadget you must have Windows Vista, download the gadget and install it, if the image is broken on the borders after the install, close the gadget and re-start it.

Click here to Download the Gadget

If you want a gadget counting Lahoud’s remaining days in office click here.

Lebanon Politics World

Weapons for Money

Apparently in Orlando they have a day to let people turn in weapons they have in exchange for money or sneakers with no question asked, so yesterday a guy turned in a surface to air missile!

They should do that in Lebanon! we all know a lot of people have illegal weapons so a day like this one could help us get rid of the weapons people have at home, but the problem is that with the current political instability more people are looking for guns! So the first thing they should do is lower the tension in the street, and I am sure people will be glad to turn in illegal weapons and live in peace afterward.


Lebanon Politics

Gebran… and the Lebanese Miracle

Here’s an article from this week’s Nahar L Chabeb written by Martyr Gebran Tueni on the 15-04-04, It’s a message to the Lebanese youth asking them to leave those old rotten political parties behind and form new ones to build a new clean Lebanon.

After seeing the stupidities some people are doing these days, you would think this article was written recently, sadly Lebanese don’t learn and articles written by great people like Gebran are always relevant, I just wish people would listen to the words of Gebran instead of following those killers and thieves, so we could finally build the Lebanon Gebran dreamed of!

Here’s the article in Arabic:

Gebran… and the Lebanese Miracle

Lebanon Politics

Lebanese Army using Hawker Hunters?

I just heard the LBC reporter in Nahr El Bared saying the Army might use Hawker Hunter aircraft to bomb the terrorists!

Hawker Hunter

The army has Hawker Hunter from the 60s, the last time they used them was in the Aoun Era (Video) but apparently they can still be used, so I hope the use of these aircrafts will make the operation easier for the Lebanese Army so they can finish the job sooner with less casualties.


I just read this at the army official site:

– صدر عن قيادة الجيش- مديرية التوجيه البيان التالي: اعتباراً من 17/8/2007 ولغاية 19/8/2007 ضمناً، ما بين الساعة 20.00 والساعة 24.00 من كل يوم، ستقوم القوات الجوية اللبنانية بتنفيذ طيران ليلي، بين قاعدتي بيروت ورياق الجويتين، وضمن حلقة المطار فوق القاعدتين المذكورتين.

and I am currently hearing jet planes (not Helicopters) flying overhead so I doubt the army is training with Boeings or Airbuses so those must be the Hawker Hunters practicing!!

Lebanon Politics World

The Sawfar Bridge

Sawfar Bridge Destroyed

The Sawfar bridge on the road leading to the Bekaa valley was the Highest bridge in the Middle East, that was until Israel bombed it during last year’s war, the bridge was bombed twice, the first strike only made wholes in the bridge making it unusable for cars, but that wasn’t enough for Israel, unlike they said they did not to only want to cut the communication routes of Hezbollah, they wanted to destroy Lebanon, so they made a second hit which practically destroyed the whole bridge foundation and made it fall.

Sawfar Bridge Destroyed

After the war was over the USA promised to rebuild the bridge, but as you can see in these pictures they did not even start yet, so where is all the help the USA promissed us? When every country announced what they were going to rebuild, the media pointed that the USA chose to build the most expensive bridge and Iran took care of the small inexpensive ones, now every day we see on the News a bridge re-build by Iran being opened to the Public, but the construction on the bridge the USA promissed to rebuild did not even start yet! So is Iran better than the USA? The USA needs to fix its Public Relations in the Middle East if they really want to stop the extension of Iran!!