Lebanon People

Sabah sings for Bashar L Assad

A new singer joined the group of Bachar L Assad entertainers, after Najwa Karam, Wael Kfoury and some other Lebanese singers sang for the dictator Sabah followed and decided to sing for his dictatorship praising the fact that he wont get his ass of the chair.

Sabah sang for him during the Damascus Cinema festival were she received an award. I know Lebanese singer and artists in general are not appreciated, supported and respected by the Lebanese government but that shouldn’t get her to sing for this guy that contributed a lot in forming this breed of politicians that got Lebanon to the place it is in today.

Here’s an extract of the article from AnNahar.

في حفل تكريمها بمهرجان دمشق السينمائي الخامس عشر، فاجأت الفنانة صباح ادارة المهرجان والحضور باصرارها على غناء موال يمتدح الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد.
وقد احتاجت صباح الى مساعدة لاعتلاء منصة التكريم والوقوف قائلة: “ما زلت أستطيع الوقوف بفضل محبتكم”، وأصرت على غناء موال يمدح “شموخ” الرئيس السوري الذي “لا يهتز عرشه”، اضافة الى مقطع من احدى اغنياتها القديمة

Lebanon Politics

Bala Ma Nwale3a


Bala Ma Nwale3a


SEAWATER LEVEL in Beirut streets

This morning I passed in Achrafieh and saw blue plastic lines (similar to the yellow “DO NOT CROSS” police lines) all over the sidewalks with SEAWATER LEVEL written on them, I am guessing Greenpeace is behind this to warn people about the rising sea levels around the world but I am not sure so does anyone know who is behind this?


Test your website in different browsers

I found this great website that offers to test your website in virtually all the browser in all the different Operating Systems for free. All you have to do is submit a request, select the browsers you want and wait 3o minutes. After that you’ll receive a screenshot of your site in the browsers you selected, you can either view the screenshots online or download all of them in a zip file to you PC.


Awesome Halloween Costume

Check out the costume of this guy, that’s the funniest costume I ever saw!

YouTube Halloween Costume

Original Picture, From Digg

Blogging Internet

Adsense Alternative: WidgetBucks

Last week I found out about WidgetBucks from a post by fusion and decided to start testing it yesterday in

WidgetBucks shows visitors to your site a list of products with ratings and a link to buy it from the website with the cheapest price, the ad sizes are similar to the ones offered by adsense so I replaced two of my adsense ads with WidgetBucks ones to test them for a week and see how they perform.

If you are interested by WidgetBucks you can sign up here and you’ll get a 25$ Sign up bonus.