Lebanon Politics

A State of Emergency

Lahoud declared a state of emergency, so I guess the army now controls the country, any idea what is gonna happen after this?

Here’s the declaration in arabic:


صدر عن الامانة العامة لرئاسة الجمهورية

ان رئيس الجمهورية بناءاً على الدستور المادتين 49 و 50 مرسوم اشتراعي 102 / 83

المدتين الاولى والثانية

وبناءاً على المرسوم الاشتراعي 52 اعلان حالة الطوارئ او المنطقة العسكرية

بما ان الولاية تنتهي في 23 من الجاري،

زبما انه لم يتم انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية حتى تاريخه، والحكومة تفتقر الى الميثاقية الدستورية

بحيث لا يسعها ممارسة السلطة بطريقة سليمة، مما ينسحب على مجلس الوزراء ومجلس الدفاع وعملاً بالتزامات رئيس الجمهورية تجاه وفي ضوء الظروف الاستثنائية يعلن رئيس توافر وتحقق اخطار حالة الطوارئ اعتباراً من 24 ت 2، 07 يكلف الجيش حفظ الامن ووضع قوى الجيش بتصرفه، عرض التدابير التي يفرضها الجيش فور تشكيل حكومة ميثتقية جديدة.


And btw we will get to see Lahoud leaving live on TV at 00:00 AM :D.

Update: The government is going to announce that the state of emergency is unconstitutional because apparently the constitution says that the government must announce it and it should be signed by the Minister of Defense (Source: LBCI)

Internet Lebanon People

Lebanon’s Facebook Statistics

A Blogger collected the facebook gender stats of the top countries using facebook and published them on his blog. Since Facebook is the most visited website in Lebanon (Alexa stats) I was sure we were going to be on the list so I checked it out and it turns out we are the 21st country in facebook usage. Here are the stats:

  • 169,300 members in Lebanon
  • 58,600 Males (34.61%)
  • 48,380 Females (28.58%)
  • 62,320 Unspecified (36.81%)

Here is the graph from the original Blog with Lebanon Highlighted in red, Click on the picture to view it in full size.

Facebook stats Lebanon mini

Lebanon People

Independence Day Parade

The army didn’t organize a parade for the second year in row due to political and security reasons but apparently this year Offre Joie organized one to celebrate independence day, I just found this picture of the parade on BBC’s Day in pictures but couldn’t get any more info about it.

Offre joie parade lebanon
Soldiers provide security for a parade by the Lebanese group Offre Joie in central Beirut.

I hope next year we get a normal happy independence day.

Lebanon Politics

Helping Lahoud

Yesterday night Lahoud gave his last speech, unfortunately I was only able to watch the start of it but one thing that caught my attention is him saying he will not be able to tell us all what he managed to do during his time in office so I’ll give him some help in this post.

I first started to write everything he did but since they say “a picture can tell a thousand words” I decided to show you some pictures instead:

Lebanon Politics

Syria is completly out of Lebanon!

That’s why every European foreign minister/ President/Prime Minister is calling Damascus so a President could be elected in Lebanon!

Lebanon Nature

A Meteorite in Beirut!

I just found out that in 1921 a meteorite fell on Beirut, I did a little research about it and here’s what I got:

  • It fell on the last day of 1921 (12-31-1921) so I guess some people thought the world was ending :P
  • It weights 1.1 Kg
  • Its Official name is Beyrout
  • It’s one of 17 meteorites classified as LL3.8

I was also able to get a picture of it but couldn’t find any info on where they are keeping it and who is keeping it, anyways here it is:

Beyrout meterorite in beirut, lebanon

Source 1 2

Funny People

How to prank your friends

Just offer them some water…

Water prank

More pictures

Lebanon Photography

14 March 2005 Panoramas has two nice 360 degrees panoramas taken on the 14th of March 2005 during the biggest demonstration in Lebanon’s history. The first panorama was taken near An Nahar building and you can only go sideways in it, The second one was taken from the historical ruins that are in the middle of the martyrs square, you can go to any direction you want in it. I hope we can go back to those days! Lebanon was united people had hope, we were leading and the politicians were following. We had the power to change things but we messed up!!

btw: One of the tiny dots in the back of the first picture is probable me, That’s where I was standing :P .

1st Panorama
Lebanese dmonstration lebanon 14 march

2nd Panorama
lebanon demonstration 14 march 2005

Lebanon Politics

The Gemayel Family

France 5 broadcasted yesterday a 52 minutes documentary about the Gemayel Family and its martyrs. The documentary is in French and I think everyone should watch it because whether you agree with them politically or not, you can’t deny that they played a big role in Lebanon’s history.


Lebanon Politics

If they agree on a president I hope it’s not …

presidential palace lebanon

I am currently starting to doubt more and more that the politicians and the countries that control them will agree on a president in the next couple of days. But if they do I hope one of those guys don’t become our president for the next 6 years:

-Amine Gemayel, Well we already tried him, that’s all what I am going to say.

-Michel Eddeh, Like Frangieh once said: I thought that a Syrian tank went over him while they were withdrawing since he threatened to jump in front any withdrawing Syrian troops.

-Robert Ghanem, I hate people with no real opinion, he just takes a position that is not strong enough to make him part of a group but strong enough to make him close to it while still giving him the ability to switch sides whenever he wants.