Lebanon Politics Videos

What did they learn?

Check out this video from the INA websites about Christians killing each others! How can people still follow these two after all what they did to us!!

Here’s the original description of this video in French flowed by my English translation:

Les combats opposent l’armée du général Aoun et les forces libanaises de Samir Geagea dans le quartier chrétien de Beyrouth-Est. Reportage tourné par une équipe de Médecins du Monde montrant comment la population civile survit au milieu des terribles combats.

Fights opose the army of General Aoun and the Lebanese Forces of Samir Geagea in the east part of Beirut. The video was filmed by a team of “Médecins du Monde” showing how the civilians are surviving in the middle of the horrible fights.

The last sentence of the video is very true! “La solution, Le jugement de Salomon, que celui des deux qui aime le plus son pays l’abandone a l’autre pour qu’au moins dechirer extenuer le Liban survive.” (In English: The solution: Salomon’s Judgement. The one who loves more his country should leave it for the other side, that way Lebanon will survive even if it is ripped apart and destroyed) This sentence also applies for the current “crisis” we are living.